My Life Stopped

I have always been self-motivated and driven. On October 5, 2010 I got my first concussion during a volleyball game. I was taken by ambulance to the emergency room, where they told me to go home and take an Advil. It was the first of seven concussions.

I ignored the symptoms for several months until the headaches became so unbearable no amount of medication alleviated the pain. I had to drop out of school. Even at work, I wasn’t performing well. I spent a lot of time just sitting around at home.

I spent the next two months in and out of hospitals seeing specialists, neurologists, and therapists. None of them could tell me exactly what was wrong with me. Eventually, a couple of the specialists started to consider the idea that I might have brain cancer.

This shocked and broke me.

I refused to tell anyone. I continually lied about my health. Though I refused to admit it, I knew I was not making progress with my life. One evening, while taking a walk I decided to commit suicide by jumping in front of an oncoming truck, but I could not carry the thought out. My legs refused to obey my mind.

I spent two months in and out of hospitals seeing specialists, neurologists, and therapists. None of them could tell me exactly what was wrong with me

A week later I was in my room consumed with the thought of dying of brain cancer at 18. I wanted to take matters into my own hands. So for the second time in a week I attempted suicide. I decided to do it by putting my mouth over the exhaust pipe of my car to inhale the smoke. But I could not find my car keys. Not even the spare. Later I found both keys on top of my reading table.

Eventually, I was cleared of cancer. My health improved. This news was a very big relief to me. I began to continue on with my life. More appropriately, I attempted to continue with what was left of my life. Anything I valued and truly enjoyed like completing my university degree, playing sports, or spending time with friends was highly affected by my health.

Not long after I got two more concussions during games. The pain only got worse. My parents kept suggesting that some people come and pray for me. I wasn’t too keen on the idea, but because of my parents’ persistence I eventually agreed. My parents also helped me dispel the many lies that I have started to believe about myself. Over time I had become very stressed about how useless I felt. Not long after, all of my pain and symptoms disappeared. I can’t really explain what happened.

I know it takes difficult situations to shape character, but knowing that fact doesn’t help much when you’re right in the middle of the difficulty. It also doesn’t help to keep your situation to yourself. Talk to someone. If you are facing serious health issues, you don’t have to face it alone. Use the form below to get in touch.

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These issues can be hard to face. If you’re considering harming yourself or others, please read this!

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