Knocked Down
The day I found out I was pregnant was my whole world completely turned upside down. I was living my worst nightmare. It happened on my 21st birthday. I had a lot to drink and unlike most people who just end up with a bad headache the day after, my experience was a little different. I ended up pregnant.
When I found out I was pregnant, I felt alone, and afraid. I had no one to turn to. The weight of my own embarrassment, shame, self-hatred, and loss of self-worth was too much to bear.
It was not just the evening of drunkenness leading to a one night stand that changed my life. A lot of small events got me to this point; I drank alcohol for the first time despite being underage, lost my virginity to a guy I hardly knew, repeatedly got drunk and acted promiscuously without regard to my dignity. There were days when I hooked up with guy after guy in search for security. The more I did this, the more the feeling of unworthiness and self-hate took over me.
All of these things caused me to spiral out of control. So it’s no surprise that on my 21st birthday, I got drunk “justifiably” because it was my birthday, and had sex with some guy I didn’t really know. All those small things had finally built up to this point in my life.
Inside I was desperately screaming, “Who could possibly love me now?”
I didn’t tell a single soul I was pregnant and immediately scheduled an abortion, even though I knew deep down that it was wrong. I had never felt so alone. Inside I was desperately screaming, “Who could possibly love me now?”
The days before my abortion appointment were horrible. I was filled with guilt, depression, and loneliness. I couldn't eat or sleep, and I was avoiding everyone. Then, the weekend before the day scheduled for the abortion, something changed. I can't describe it very well, but I felt an some of hope and forgiveness. For the first time in over a month of depression, turmoil, and shame, I felt loved — in the midst of my brokenness. I realized that I didn't have to do this alone. I could reach out. Someone surely could be there for me.
That day changed me forever. I finally built up the courage to tell my parents I was pregnant. They didn’t condemn me, but instead embraced me, loved me, and supported me. I told my friends and they did not judge me even once. They loved me and affirmed my self-worth. For the first time, I actually felt like I was worth something, that even as a broken girl, I could be forgiven.
I am now proud to say I am 39 weeks pregnant with a beautiful little girl. Any day now I will get to hold this precious gift of life in my arms. During the process, I found a passion for helping others going through the same thing, so I became a volunteer at our local Healthcare Center. I get to share my story with anyone and everyone, with the hope that another broken person can feel loved and know they are valued. I’m so blessed that I somehow experienced the grace to understand that life is a gift, even in the midst of brokenness.
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These issues can be hard to face. If you’re considering harming yourself or others, please read this!
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