If you’ve ever discovered the painful truth that the person you love is not being faithful, you’ve probably asked yourself: “What do I do? How do I deal with this betrayal?”
There is no doubt different confusing emotions are going through your mind. All these feelings make it very difficult to make any kind of wise decision on what to do next. So don’t react too quickly.
Let’s begin with looking at what cheating is, and what it isn’t.
It’s important to understand that there are different kinds of behavior people call cheating, some of which are not cheating at all. For example, if a close friend of yours of the opposite sex decides to enter an exclusive relationship with another person, that is not cheating.
On the other hand, if you have been in a relationship with a person where you are committed to each other exclusively, and that person chooses to be in another exclusive relationship with someone else behind your back, that’s cheating. Obviously, if someone says, “Will you be my girlfriend?” and you accept, and then they date behind your back, that’s cheating. If the person you are dating exclusively has sex or inappropriate sexual behavior with another person, that’s cheating.
Here are three steps to protect yourself:
The first thing you need to do is wait. Don’t do anything. Let your feelings calm down. No matter what you have discovered, there’s no need to go around saying bad things about the person who has cheated on you, or even about the one he or she did it with. Be strong. Don’t let the lies and deceit of your boyfriend or girlfriend drag you down into the gutter. Keep your deep sense of personal dignity and healthy self-worth. You only make matters worse by acting out of anger and confusion. Don’t tell the world you’ve been cheated on.
Surround yourself with good friends and wise counselors who can help you sort through your emotions and discover what has actually taken place. Get those you trust to quietly check what really happened. Usually your friends are the first to know. Friends are people who are important to you, because you can openly talk about your emotions with them. By yourself, you will only get caught in a circle of confusion, hurt, and resentment.
Confront your boyfriend or girlfriend in private. Confrontation is never easy, but you will never get to the bottom of what has happened or begin healing until you have talked with your cheating partner. You may feel like doing something to bring shame to the other person, but if you give in to that desire, you’ll end up looking foolish.
It’s very important to have a confrontation face-to-face. Body language will tell you a lot.
Make sure you have the facts before the confrontation. If you try to confront without evidence, you will most likely be lied to or stir up deep displeasure in the person you are accusing. The person being confronted often blames you for the very thing he or she has done.
While confronting, deal with the source of the problem — your boyfriend or girlfriend — and don’t focus on the person they’ve cheated with.
Try to discover if your cheating partner is truly repentant for what he or she has done. Some people are just sorry because they got caught. It will take time for you to know whether or not your boyfriend or girlfriend is truly sorry for their betrayal.
When confronted, some people become defensive and angry. That is a good sign they have no intention of ever continuing the relationship with you again. Don’t worry. Sometimes it’s better to walk away — and stay away.
Deciding whether or not to save and continue the relationship could be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make.
Consider taking a break from your relationship. A break will give you a chance to get wise counsel from other people and decide whether or not the relationship is worth saving.
It will take time for the relationship to heal, if it ever does. Trust has been broken, and recovering it takes a long time. If you decide the relationship is worth continuing, your cheating boyfriend or girlfriend will have to be patient and wait for you to trust them again. Eventually, if the relationship has any hope for survival, you will need to forgive them and learn to trust.
If you decide the relationship cannot be healed or continued, don’t rush yourself into any relationship. Take some time, and allow yourself to become stronger. Some relationships cannot be saved, no matter what you do. So don’t bring unnecessary drama into your life by not letting go.
Remember, you have self-worth. Cry out for the help you need. Because you are worth it!
Have you been cheated on by your girlfriend or boyfriend? We have free, confidential mentors who would love to talk with you and support you through this difficult time. Just click “Connect” below.